jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

A web forum post.


My daughter wants a mobile phone, but I think this is bad for teenagers. What do you think?


Mobile phones are both good and bad. The advantages are that while she is meeting her friends you can talk to her. Mobile phones are very practical, she can take photos, listen to music, talk with people, send text messages...
The disadvantages are that it's expensive and she will get distracted.
The majority of teenagers have a mobile phone, so it is normal she wants one. Buy it and your daughter will be very happy!

domingo, 14 de junio de 2015

The fridge.

Before mechanical refrigeration systems were introduced, people cooled their food with ice and snow. The first way to keep food frozen were holes dug into the ground and lined with wood and packed with snow and ice: this was the only means of refrigeration for most history.

The first artificial refrigeration was demostrated by William Cullen in 1748, but he didn't use his discovery for any practical purpose.

An American inventor designed the first refrigeration machine and it was built by Jacob Perkins in 1834.

Writing; an E-mail.

Hi Natalia,
My family and I are nervous about yout visit next week. We'll meet you at the airport at 15:00 and we're going to have a meal at Burger King.
On Monday we're going to go to Antequera, it's a town in Málaga. On Tuesday my brother is going to show you ''La Rosaleda'' and buy a T-shirt from the team ''Málaga C.F.''. On Wednesday and Thursday I'm going to show you Málaga and we are going shopping. On Friday we're going to the beach.
See you soon,