lunes, 14 de marzo de 2016

Anne Frank

Anne Frank was born on 12 June 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany. Her parents were called Otto Frank and Edith Frank-Hollander, and she had a sister called Margot, three years older. She had a good life during 4 years in Frankfurt until the Nazis came to power. She and her family moved to Holland in 1933, and her father found a business. 

From a young age, Anne showed an aptitude for reading and writing. Anne and her family were very happy but when Holland was occupied by the Nazis in 1940, their lives changed totally.

The family were subjected to the same rules as German Jews; Anne and Margot had to go to  Jewish school, they faced curfews, they were not allowed to own business and they were forced to wear a yellow star. Otto had to transfer his company to a friend. On her 13th birtday, Otto gave Anne a notebook. She would use it as her diary. In July 1942, her sister Margot received a call up notice from the Central Office of Jewish Emigration ordering her to report  for a recolation to a work camp.
This made the family move into hiding earlier then planned.

On 6 July 1942, anne, her sister Margot and her parents went into hiding and while they were into hiding, some friends gave them food and other things that they needed.
 Anne started each diary entry "Dear Kitty" and what followed was an incredible story. 
She expressed her fear and confusion at the situation. 

Anne and Margot were sent to Bergen-Belsen where they died of typhoid fever in 1945. 
Anne's diary was kept safe by their friends and they gave it to Otto, who survived to the Nazi's occupation. Otto edited the diary and it was first published in 1947.

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