lunes, 20 de junio de 2016

The Internet and books.

The Internet was created in the last decade of the 20th Century and it has changed our lives. It is very useful to talk with other people although they are far away. Also, it's faster to search for information on Internet than in books. Books, on the other hand, are more interesting than the INternet because they have historical information. However, if you want to read something, books are heavier than a mobile phone for example.
I can't choose between these two inventios because I love books but I thin that the Internetis very useful but I also think that since the Internet was invented. people don't speak to others they did before the invention of the Internet. On balance, I'm going to choose the Internet because it is going to be the future.

Pablo Alborán

Pablo Moreno de Alborán was born 31st May, 1989 in Málaga. He's a singer-songwriter and musician that has released three albums. When he was a child, he wrote incredible songs that now are very famous.
He was discovered in Youtube because he uploaded a few songs of his 1st album in 2010 and he has nice career.
He plays de guitar and the piano but he has a team with more musicians.
In Málaga, he performed for the first time with a Flamenco band in a restaurant.
His first album ''Solamente tú'' was released in 2011 and it reached the top one one week after. His last album is called ''Terral'' and it has been a hit.
Some of the best-known songs are 'Solamente tú', 'Por fin', 'Te he echado de menos' …
He has been award a lot of prizes like: best singer, best song and recently he has won a Goya with the BSO of 'Palmeras en la nieve'.
He's my favourite singer because he has a beautiful voice and his songs get to my heart. I think he's a good artist because he sings perfectly, he writes his songs and he plays some instruments.


Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi was born on November, 1917, in Allahabad, India. She had an excellent education in Swiss schools and at Somerville College, Oxford. When her mother died, in 1936, Ghandi became her father's assistant, learning from him. Ghandi was elected president of the Indian National Congress in 1960. After her father's death, Gandhi was appointed Minister of information and broadcasting. When her father's successor, Lal Bahadur Shastri, died, Indira became prime minister. Gandhi introduced agricultural programs that improved her country's economy.
The Indo-Pakistan war broke out in 1971, and the Pakistan army conducted violent acts against the people of East Pakistan, nearly 10 million people fled to India.
Gandhi also started the Green Revolution; She decided to increase crop diversification and food exports, creating new jobs as well as food for her country. Despite these advancements, Gandhi ruled with autority. In 1975, the high courts found her guilty of a minor infraction during the year's elections and her opponents called for her resignation.
Gandhi responded by requesting that the president call for a state of emergency.
Gandhi lost the next election and went to prision. In 1980 she won by a big majority. The same year, her son Sanjay Gandhi who had been serving as her political adviser, died in New Delhi. After Sanjay's death, Indira prepared her other son, Rajiv, for leadership.
During the 1980s, a Skih separatist movement developed in India, which Gandhi tried to stop. Skih extremists held to a campaign inside the Golden Temple, and Gandhi ordered some 70000 soldiers to purge the sacred space. More than 450 people died.
On October 31, 1984, Indira was assesinated by a Sikh. He fired a gun and Indira died in the way to hospital.


lunes, 14 de marzo de 2016

Anne Frank

Anne Frank was born on 12 June 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany. Her parents were called Otto Frank and Edith Frank-Hollander, and she had a sister called Margot, three years older. She had a good life during 4 years in Frankfurt until the Nazis came to power. She and her family moved to Holland in 1933, and her father found a business. 

From a young age, Anne showed an aptitude for reading and writing. Anne and her family were very happy but when Holland was occupied by the Nazis in 1940, their lives changed totally.

The family were subjected to the same rules as German Jews; Anne and Margot had to go to  Jewish school, they faced curfews, they were not allowed to own business and they were forced to wear a yellow star. Otto had to transfer his company to a friend. On her 13th birtday, Otto gave Anne a notebook. She would use it as her diary. In July 1942, her sister Margot received a call up notice from the Central Office of Jewish Emigration ordering her to report  for a recolation to a work camp.
This made the family move into hiding earlier then planned.

On 6 July 1942, anne, her sister Margot and her parents went into hiding and while they were into hiding, some friends gave them food and other things that they needed.
 Anne started each diary entry "Dear Kitty" and what followed was an incredible story. 
She expressed her fear and confusion at the situation. 

Anne and Margot were sent to Bergen-Belsen where they died of typhoid fever in 1945. 
Anne's diary was kept safe by their friends and they gave it to Otto, who survived to the Nazi's occupation. Otto edited the diary and it was first published in 1947.

A formal letter.

                                                                                                                       C/ Marqués de Larios
                                                                                                                       Nº 10, Málaga
                                                                                                                       24th February 2016

Save the Children
112, Bath Road

Dear Sir or Madam,
I have some ideas to raise money for poor children. We can organise a fund-rising concert, where people can donate money. I have some friends that sing very well, so they can sing in the concert.
After the concert, we can make sandwiches, pizzas, hamburgers, etc, and sell them.
I can make keychains, rings and bracelets, and sell them too.
I would organise an auction, too but I have not got anything with a los of value so we will have to talk to famous people and tell them about my proposal. I am sure that someone can donate a personal object to help poor children.
Yours faithfully.
Paula Tarín.

Living with a disability.

My name's Paula and I haven't been able to walk since last year. I had an accident and I became disabled. Now, I have to be in a wheelchair.
Life is a bit different for me in some ways. When I go out, it is more difficult to avoid the people for me than for other people and in a place with a lot of people I fell bad. In my house I feel good but I need help to have a bath or go to my bed.
There is one thing which annoys me: people who say that I can't do some activities. I think that if you want it, you can do it!

jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

My life.

I was born in Málaga, in 2000. When I was born I lived in a different house, in Puerta Blanca but one year ago we moved to my current house.
My earliest memory is very nice. I was in my grandfather's house with all of my family. It was New Year's Day and I was playing with my cousins and my sister. We were eating sweets, too.
I also remember my first day at school. I was very nervous and I met a lot of my friends.
Our teacher's name was Trini and she was very kind and nice. I remember thet the class had orange curtains and a lot of toys.
Now, I'm at secodary school in ''I.E.S. Fernando de los Ríos'' and I'm studying a lot.
I haven't changed a lot since I was young. A lot of people say that I have the same face!
When I finish secondary school, I'll study at university. I want to study Tourism because I like economy and languages and I want to talk English like a native person but... It's very difficult!